Friday, January 7, 2011

In the midst of December he turned ONE....

the 10th....came and went

besides his many,many hugs,kisses and happy birthday serenades

a candle was all he got...

we celebrated a couple of weeks later with just cake & ice cream "drive thru" style

my made up term for:: come when you want leave, when you want-- due to all the busy schedules

Caramel & frosty..oh wow
now don't look to close...

but my new quick icing trick...dip the top of cupcake into the bowl of frosting and give it a twirl..easy-peasy

Quick re-packaging of fruites

Little treats for cousins to take home...

really?.....its for me

everybody wanted to help

and he dove in...

you wanted to see that closer...right.

Oh my !!


Sweet sweet boy you are pure sugar to us

Thank you Father God for this third blessing.

He is us.. to teach him.... to walk in Your ways

---maybe I'll be brave soon and tell you a little story of how GOD brought this sweet little one into the world.....