Monday, August 11, 2008

Two Blessed Years from our Lord!!!

Arabella is Two!!
Wow! The days have flown by with our sweet little baby & now funny toddler!

{Happy Birthday Sweet Bella!}

May we daily offer you to our Lord. We at times think you are just ours to
keep & have forever but in reality you are here by the Lord's Grace and blessing to us . May our Heavenly Father help us teach you to love Christ,need him as your Savior, Worship our God in all areas of life.
Prayers for Arabella Jean
When you believe on the Son you will have Eternal Life John 3: 36
This God is our God for ever and ever; he will be YOUR guide even to the end Psalms 48:14
Be Completely humble and gentle;be patient,bearing with one another in love Eph. 4:2
I will have no greater joy than to hear my Arabella child walking in the Truth. 3 John 1:4
[After her bumps & bruises from toddler life leave her face , if ever.I would like to get her "2" year picture I'll share soon]

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Arabella!!
    What a sweetheart! Children are such a blessing. I agree, it is easy to forget they aren't really 'ours', but God's and He has lent them to us for awhile. What an awesome responsibility.
    Have a wonderful birthday, Arabella, and May you have Many More!
    The Flory's
