Wednesday, November 3, 2010


tip. toe
Oh! hello dear ones it has been awhile
I'm stopping in for a spot where I can't misplace my scrap of paper of God's blessings to me
I've started counting them.
like her.
We are in the thankful season but I want to continue on and on and on in the big things and little things ,to the good & the hard times, to where the gratitude overflows my heart to glorify God again and again and again. Here goes....
No. 1 Jesus Christ- My Savior, Wonderful counselor - He knows all of me and loves me still
No.2 "Grace ,Grace God's Grace"..the more I see of my sin, the more precious is HIS Grace
No.3 My beloved husband- so much better than what I deserve
No.4 Our three active blessings - A, O , T
No.5 Intercessory Prayer
No.6 Answered Prayers
No.7 family
No.8 Sisters in Christ
No.9 work even when it take T away for the week
No.10 Little's who keep me company in my big cold bed
No.11 My middle's busted pumpkin---- to Pie!

No.12 the pure delight of my oldest as she got to help

No.13 finding those fall cutters in the drawer from last years clearance

No. 14 the convenience of a store bought crust

No.15 the memory of my Mama's yummy homemade crust

No.16 Just enough whip cream in the fridge left for 4 dollops

Now I know it's not Monday ....Mondays and I were having a hard time cooperating ...So I'll just pretend I'm early.
holy experience


  1. Fun to see a granddaughter wanting to help make a pie. I am very gratful for growing and maturing grandchildren.

  2. Girl - you're Back. :)

    I've been thinking of you so much and failing at finding the time to send back a proper response.

    I'm loving your thankful heart. That's what always points us back toward light.


  3. my little boys love to bake with their daddy--yes, you heard that right!! I cook and baking is too much of a science for me!! {Although, cookies and other simple recipes I can handle!}
    Love your No.1-11 blessed tidbits......
    see you soon!
