Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update & a pillow project

Hello, hello long lost friends....
I am still around... just trying to catch my breath and find some of our belongings....
the current list of MIA items are:
my cell phone
and the camera data cord...
hence the no-show of posts with the promised honeymoon cottage goodbye tour and Arabella's pocket skirt. I also have Country Living fair pictures on my camera to share....
Hopefully the items show up Soon!
While I am searching through more boxes I thought would leave you with a little project I did one night before this house frenzy started. Our couch needed some freshening up so...
I went to my fabric stash and worked up this little pillow

added an extra touch with this sweet tape measure ribbon

Zipper hidden behind flap

and ta-da!
done in less than an hour!


  1. Jill sent me this ribbon, I love it! My tape measure went MIA also... and someone was on the phone asking me about a waist measurement. I almost grabbed the ribbon and used it. My opinion is that they need to use real measurements, because I never can have too many tape measures. :) Have a great day... looking forward to more pictures when you post them. Love the pillow.

  2. It's gorgeous! I love that tape measure ribbon, so cool!!!

    :) T

  3. Very Cute! And I can't wait to see your last pictures of your house and your Country Living pics!
